Preschool Worksheets Free

This is an extensive collection of free preschool worksheets designed for ages approximately 3 & 4 years old. These free printable preschool worksheets are designed to help kids learn to write the alphabet, numbers, plus a free printable color matching sheet!

Browse the preschool worksheets in the following images below!

Preschool Worksheets Alphabet

Preschool Worksheets Alphabet
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These preschool worksheets are collected with a variety of different lesson plans. There are counting worksheets, a variety of alphabet activities, coloring, and more. These worksheets are in black and white so that they are easy to print and go for the entire class. Just download the worksheets and you have everything you need for your class. The worksheets will work with kids in both preschool and kindergarten depending on their skill level.

Preschool Worksheets Letters

Preschool Worksheets Letters
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Preschool Worksheets Matching

Preschool Worksheets Matching
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These free preschool worksheets will help reinforce valuable fine motor and pre-writing skills in addition to working on basic math and number concepts. It is really important to fill children’s world with activities which will help them become successful learners. This collection of activity sheets for preschoolers will introduce your children to the basic concepts of numbers, letters, colors, and shapes easily.

Preschool Worksheets Math

Preschool Worksheets Math
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Preschool Worksheets Number

Preschool Worksheets Number
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Preschool Worksheets Shape

Preschool Worksheets Shape
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Your kids are sure to have great fun while doing these preschool worksheets! Help kids learn with this set of printable worksheets. Whether you are a parent, homeschooler or a teacher putting together a preschool curriculum, these worksheets would be a great addition!