Coloring Fun with Hansel and Gretel Activities

These printable activities will take young learners through the story of Hansel and Gretel with a focus on early skills. Explore our free printable activity sheets for kids that cover fun activities useful for kids’ skill building such as coloring and maze. These printable free Hansel and Gretel activities are ready-to-use and will help you reinforce concepts and test your students’ comprehension. After reading Hansel and Gretel with your little ones and completing some of the activity pages below, choose one or more of these activities to bring the story to life!

coloring hansel and gretel activities

coloring hansel and gretel activities
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The coloring sheets with the theme that your kids like will help them develop their inner creativity and knowledge of color in a fun way. These printable Hansel and Gretel activities are fun pages for any child who likes the classic fairy tale story. This is a well-known classic fairy tale recorded by Brothers Grimm and published in 1812. Hansel and Gretel are a young brother and sister kidnapped by a cannibalistic witch living in a forest in a house constructed of cake, confectionery, candy, and many more treats. The printable Hansel and Gretel activities are suitable for kids of varying ages.

free hansel and gretel activities

free hansel and gretel activities
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Young children will enjoy the mazes and coloring pages. Print some of these fairy tale worksheets for your own kids or for a class at school. Hansel and Gretel coloring pictures are a wonderful activity for kids who enjoy coloring. Parents can print these fairy tale worksheet pages for their kids at home, or teachers can print them out for a fun addition to their lesson plans at school. The maze activity makes learning more fun for kids.

hansel and gretel activities for kids

hansel and gretel activities for kids
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maze hansel and gretel activities

maze hansel and gretel activities
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Because you can make this kindergarten activity yourself and once you and your students are hooked on retelling, you’ll want to make this a year-long thing. This Hansel and Gretel short story activities pack goes well alongside this well-known fairy tale of German origin.