Learning articles can be tricky for students if they lack practice with the actual article worksheets. An article is a word that comes before a noun. There are three articles in English; a, an, the. These articles are important to writing sentences correctly. Teach and review your kids’ skill of placing articles by using the following a and a worksheets provided below!

A and An Worksheets Free Printable 1st
image via http://www.studyvillage.com
You will need to introduce and practice the material before completing the three activities outlined in this file. English language learners often forget when and where to include articles in their sentences but these words are important to master in order to achieve a high level of English. There are five different and an worksheets that you can give your students for extra practice using articles. Here is a worksheet for 1st grade.

A and An Worksheets Free Printable Children
image via https://en.islcollective.com

A and An Worksheets Free Printable Kids
image via https://en.islcollective.com
By having the students working on these article worksheets, you will be able to evaluate their overall understanding of the material at the end of class or as a review activity at the beginning of the next lesson. There are more worksheets to choose from if this is not quite what you are looking for so take your time reviewing them. All of the worksheets are printable grammar exercises worksheet for kids to study and learn the definite and indefinite articles in the English language. Ask your kids to fill in the blanks with a, an, or the.

A and An Worksheets Free Printable Kindergarten
image via https://en.islcollective.com

A and An Worksheets Free Printable Toddlers
image via https://i.pinimg.com
Use this worksheet set as your weekly evaluative assessment. Help your child practice English grammar with free downloadable English worksheets for class 1 students. With these printable worksheets, students will practice using the articles a, an, and the in sentences. Download and print today!